
Theme Organizer is free. Download and start using it today!

What Is Theme Organizer 1.2™

    Theme Organizer is an ArcView extension designed to simplify and speed up the process of organizing a view's table of contents. This extension is particularly usefull when dealing with views that have a large number of themes. As many of you may have noticed the process of turning on and off a group of themes or moving a group of themes can be somewhat tedious in ArcView as you must manipulate the themes one at a time. With Theme Organizer you can:

      1. Rearrange the order of a group of themes at once.
      2. Sort themes by theme type or alphabetically.
      3. Turn a group of themes on and off at once.
      4. Activate a group of themes on and off at once.
      5. Expand and collapse a group of theme legends at once.
      6. Save/Restore your theme settings at a click of a button.
      7. Save/Restore your View extent along with your theme settings.

    Theme Organizer 1.2 is FREE so download and check it out!

Downloading Theme Organizer™

    Currently: Version 1.2 Updated 3/1/2000

    Please note that Theme Organizer requires Arcview GIS 3.1 and will not work on older versions of Arcview.

    In order to download Theme Organizer you must:

      1. Select the platform you want Theme Organizer for.
      2. Agree to the License Agreement/Download the file

    Please select from the following download options:

    Windows 95/98/NT

    Windows 95/98/NT users can download Theme Organizer in a compressed zip file or a self-extracting file by selecting one of the two following options:


    UNIX users can download an non-zipped version of Theme Organizer.

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