It is highly recommended that you download the User's Manual and Getting Started documents which are not included in the default setup program.
In particular the Getting Started manual contains step by step instructions on how to use the extension. These are PDF documents which can be printed. Online help is installed
as part of the normal setup of the extension.
5.0 For ArcGIS 10.1 - 10.8:
4.1 For ArcGIS 10.0:
3.2 For ArcGIS 9.2, 9.3 and 9.3.1:
Download Older Versions of MapLogic Layout Manager
If you need a copy of version 1.21, please visit the Version 1.x Archive Page.
If you need a copy of version 2.21, please visit the Version 2.x Archive Page.
If you need a copy of version 3.10 for ArcGIS 9.0 or 9.1, please visit the Version 3.1 Archive Page.
If you need a copy of version 4.10 for ArcGIS 10.1 or 10.2, please visit the Version 4.1 Archive Page.